
About: lishitong

Recent Posts by lishitong

U.S. Shares Tumble on Hawkish Fed Signals

On Wednesday, 2 November, the US Federal Reserve implemented its fourth mega hike, raising interest rates by 75 basis points, or 0.75%, in its continuing fight against high inflation. This brings the current Fed’s benchmark rate to 3.75% – 4%, with rates expected to hit a ceiling at 4.5% – 4.75% in 2023 according toContinue Reading

Brent Crude Oil Cash (UKOUSD) Optimisation Notice

Dear Valued Client, PU Prime are happy to announce that our Brent Crude Oil Cash (UKOUSD) will be optimised on 8th November 2022. This would provide clients with more stable quotations and a better trading environment. Important: There might be a slight pricing difference after the optimisation. We recommend that clients monitor their positions closelyContinue Reading

Trading Hour Schedule Changes for US Daylight Saving

Dear Valued Client, Please note that in observance of the upcoming Daylight Saving Time in US, there will be changes to PU Prime’s trading schedule from 7th November 2022. . Kindly refer to the table below outlining the affected instruments: *All hours are provided in GMT+2 (Server Time in MT4/MT5.) Please note the above dataContinue Reading

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